Holistic Hypnotherapy
Holistic hypnotherapy is a way of using hypnosis to help people understand and overcome their issue in relation to the whole, integrated person rather than analysing and treating the separate parts. It is an empowering way to experience healing, and the positive, lasting changes will allow you to lead a more balanced and harmonious life.

What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, which is characterised by an alpha/theta brainwave state. It is a very natural and familiar state as it is one that you go into many times during the day e.g., first thing when you wake up in the morning, perhaps while making your cup of coffee, driving the same route to work, or when you are lost in a good book or caught up in a movie.

How does it work?
When in the state of hypnosis, you are able to access your subconscious mind, which contains all your memories, beliefs and imprints, whether you are consciously aware of these or not. By delving into your subconscious you are able to go back to the root cause of your issues and work with that version of yourself to enable them to become happier and healthier.

How does it feel?
Being in hypnosis during a hypnotherapy session feels no different from being in a very natural, relaxed state of awareness. Your eyes will be closed, and you’ll be leaning back in a comfortable chair. We will be in continuous dialogue throughout the whole hypnosis part of the session, and at no point will you be sleeping or unconscious.
Book a hypnotherapy session
Sessions are held in person at The Inner Healing Rooms in Kerobokan or online via Zoom.
What can be addressed?
Stress & burnout
Panic attacks
Low self-esteem
Feeling unworthy
Unwanted beliefs
Negative emotional
Negative relationship
Binge eating
Fears & phobias
Releasing traumatic
Self & body image
Confidence and
Inner healing
Self actualisation